January marks what would have been the 82nd birthday of the legendary Tobe Hooper, a man who redefined horror cinema. While he is no longer with us to celebrate, we can honor his legacy by diving into his films and revisiting the genius that made him such an icon. Naturally, most fans will reach straight for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (and honestly, who could blame them?). It’s a gut-wrenching, nerve-shredding masterpiece that still hits like a sledgehammer. And let’s not forget its direct sequel, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, a bonkers, darkly comedic follow-up that depicts an epic underground battle between our favorite chainsaw-wielding killer and Dennis Hopper.
But for Hooper’s birthday this year, let’s redirect our attention to some of his lesser-known movies. There’s more to his filmography than Leatherface and screaming final girls, and this streaming guide is here to remind you of that. Whether you’re discovering them for the first time or giving them another watch (or reminding yourself who ACTUALLY directed the film), these picks will show you just how versatile and innovative Hooper really was.
The Funhouse (1981)
Streaming on VOD
Enter a carnival of terror that’s perfect for fans of Hooper’s twisted storytelling. Like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, this film follows a group of teens who stumble into the domain of a family cast out by society and forced to live by their own brutal rules. However, this time, the setting is a seedy carnival where fun gives way to fear. Hooper’s ability to create suspense and unease is present throughout the film, with a creepy atmosphere, a monstrous antagonist, and a setting that feels familiar yet nightmarish.
Poltergeist (1982)
Streaming on Paramount+
“They’re heeeere.” Poltergeist is an iconic horror classic that every fan should revisit…not just because it’s brilliant, but to remind everyone that Hooper did, in fact, direct this masterpiece (Not Spielberg!). The story follows the Freeling family, whose picture-perfect home becomes a nightmare when malevolent spirits abduct their daughter, Carol Anne (Heather O’Rourke). Packed with Hooper’s signature flair for disturbing visuals and creeping tension, it’s a thrilling exploration of suburban dread. It’s Hooper’s vision at its haunting best, blending heart, horror, and pure cinematic magic.
Invaders From Mars (1986)
Streaming on Tubi
Surprisingly, we have a family-friendly sci-fi adventure that proves Tobe Hooper could make age-appropriate scares for even the littlest horror fans. With its PG rating, this 1986 remake was definitely a childhood favorite of mine as it blended 1950s nostalgia with Hooper’s quirky touch. The story follows 12-year-old David (Hunter Carson), who discovers his parents (and eventually his whole town) are being controlled by aliens. Packed with campy effects, charming performances, and a wild alien design this film is a grotesque ride even the kiddies can enjoy. For Hooper fans, young and old, it’s a chance to see the director’s softer and more imaginative side.
Spontaneous Combustion (1990)
Streaming on Tubi
Spontaneous Combustion is a fiery example of Hooper’s flair for turning the bizarre into gripping horror. The story ignites with a young couple (used as guinea pigs in a radioactive experiment in the 50s) who later have a baby born with the power of pyrokinesis. Enter the legendary Brad Dourif, whose explosive performance as the grown-up, flame-throwing offspring is nothing short of incendiary. Tobe Hooper mixes scorching practical effects with a dark commentary on the fallout of scientific meddling and the “nuclear family.” It’s weird, campy, and pure Hooper at his most combustible!
Mortuary (2005)
Streaming on Prime Video and Tubi
Mortuary is a quirky, creepy dive into the horrors that exist in every small town. The film centers on young Jonathan (Dan Byrd) and his family as they move into a defunct mortuary to start a new life (because what kid does not dream of that?). Naturally, things go awry when they discover the mortuary holds dark secrets, including strange mold, creepy locals, and an urban legend about a boy who may or may not be dead. While it does not have the cult charm of his earlier classics, Mortuary will grow on you. Fans will appreciate the unsettling use of corpses, oddball characters, and a memorable tagline: “Together we can stop graveyard babies.”
Looking for more film recommendations this month? Then check out AmyLou’s streaming guide from last week.