Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person is possibly the cutest movie you could ask for this year. It follows a teen vampire who has too much compassion to kill for her supper. When her parents decide it is time for her to fend for herself, she happens across a suicidal teen. What starts as a seemingly simple transaction soon turns into something that neither of them was looking for.
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person is just as precious as you expect it to be. However, it has a macabre rising to compliment the romantic sun sign that keeps it from straying into typical rom-com territory. I went into this movie not expecting much and walked out charmed like everyone else.
Kids These Days…
Our lead vampire, Sasha (Sara Montpetit), and her love interest, Paul (Félix Antoine Bénard), are likable anchors. They help this movie achieve an aesthetic littered with moments reminiscent of many other films. I clocked Beetlejuice vibes with a hint of Only Lovers Left Alive. I will also go to my grave believing certain scenes had to be nods to popular vampire films Let the Right One In and A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night. Montpetit and Bénard elevate their characters’ relationship beyond the typical two outsiders finding each other tropes we see. They both have a palpable sadness that is overwhelming and too relatable. It makes them seem way older than they are and is one of the reasons I leaned in. I look forward to seeing more from both of them.
The Teeth Could Be Sharper
This is a delightful movie, and I love our leads, but I wish there had been more intersectionality. I cannot help but wonder what this bizarre world would look like with more POC in substantial roles. Or if the creatives had read the room and saw we are drowning in hetero-romance movies. I think shaking the formula up would have given it a bit of texture. Right now, it is a fun enough movie that will get a few chuckles even out of the most terminally unimpressed person. There is no shame in being a fine film, but it was so close to being something of substance.
I cannot stop thinking about what could have been had this tender tale ventured outside of its comfort zone. That would have been an easy step toward moving Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person from good to great. The themes of loneliness and longing are universal. This is one of the recent titles where the representation would have really mattered. While this film is a precious little diddy, it could have said so much more. It could have set itself apart from other recent movies that have skipped out on the conversations we have been having for years by taking a more intersectional approach. Hopefully, that is something these filmmakers will consider for future projects. This is a cute little film, and I wish more people who often get overlooked had things like it.
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person is currently in select theaters.