Happy 31 days of Halloween!
This year, we’re celebrating with a different movie pick each day that made us audibly gasp, “WHAT THE FUCK?!“
For the 14th day, there’s this baddie right here – Malignant. Currently sitting at 52% on Rotten Tomatoes’ audience score, I can see how this was a hit or miss with audiences. But c’mon! We all have to agree that this scary shit on the back of this woman’s head is all kinds of “What the fuck?!”
James Wan’s 2021 horror mystery, Malignant, is about a woman named Madison (Annabelle Wallis), plagued by disturbing visions of gruesome murders. Instantly this wasn’t heading in the right direction for me. I was thinking ghosts and more of the same, but thankfully, I was wrong. This bizarre creature didn’t just birth itself from the back of Madison’s head. It moved her most inhumanly, forcing her to contort and walk backward. It gave me all the heebie-jeebies. Gabriel, you were the most fun I saw on screen last year.
I loved the strangeness of this film; it was weird in the absolute best way. It may sound silly to say someone was walking backwards up to you, but that is precisely what was happening. And it was anything but silly. It was unsettling. I couldn’t grasp exactly what I was seeing or how this person was moving; that was the horror we were all hoping for. Throw in an action sequence with lots of kills; there, you have a quality WTF movie with Malignant.