Author name: Alma De Leon Clarke

I love horror. I consume genre films, tv, and books. THE THING is the greatest movie of all time and I wish Chucky was my bestie. I have 6 cats and 2 dogs and I'm a horror movie toy collector. I am not a professional critic but I do enjoy discussing horror with anyone who will listen.

WTF?! // 31 Days of Halloween — Day 3 (The Thing)

🎵🎶 On the third day of Halloween, your neighbors gave to theeeeeeee, a severed head sprouting legs… what did I just see? 🎵🎶 “The Thing” is one of my all-time favorite films, and I had the pleasure of seeing it on the big screen this year for its 40th anniversary. It was a magical experience to see it in all of its glory.

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WTF?! // 31 Days of Halloween — Day 2 (Scanners)

Happy 31 days of Halloween!  This year, we’re celebrating with a different movie pick each day that made me audibly gasp, “WHAT THE FUCK?!” Today, it’s Scanners from 1981, written and directed by David Cronenberg. A scientist trains an incredibly telepathic and telekinetic man (scanner) to stop an even more powerful scanner who’s gone rogue

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satanic hispanics movie review

Satanic Hispanics // Panic at the Satanic Disco

Satanic Hispanics! Okay, so I had trouble saying this out loud ten times fast. I heard that if you said it ten times in front of a broken mirror, then “The Traveler” would appear. Or maybe that’s just my sister messing with me. Either way, this movie is bonkers and I cannot wait for you all to watch it. Just in time for Hispanic Heritage Month, Satanic Hispanics is premiering at Fantastic Fest and I just want to say, “Me siento muy… excited!”

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Spanish language horror // Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

I love horror movies and I love hearing people speak in the language I grew up around. We didn’t have cable television, and often, the only way we caught new and popular movies was on the Spanish network that was on public television. We grew up in the days of very few free channel options and we had four whole choices. The films were often dubbed in Spanish or had Spanish subtitles and it was our norm. And we loved it.

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