Horror is political

Horror is Political: Oh, the Horror!

Buckle up for the new 4-year limited horror series – The Trump Administration. I know, I know. We were already assaulted with this tragedy, and we thought it was over four years ago. However, thanks to over 77 million brain-dead American sycophants and cult members (don’t forget the selfish shirkers who didn’t vote), we are now at the beginning of a sequel. How we even got here is mind-numbingly baffling that one starts to wonder if we’ve been sucked into a black hole, and this is what greets us instead of the implosion we all crave and deserve.

Horror is Political

What does this have to do with horror, you may be asking yourself. I mean, besides the obvious hellscape that man promises and delivers, there is the fact that much of the horror we consume is political, has political undertones, or we just naturally insert our own lives and backgrounds into what we extrapolate from viewing a horror flick. It’s a fucking experience. 

What is occurring in this current nightmare is different, though. Think of this as a choose-your-own-adventure horror total-mind-and-body immersion game, a bit of Black Mirror, if you will. Only this isn’t a game or an episode of a series. It’s real life. You CAN help to get the ending you want. Will it be easy? Mayhaps not, but we have to try. Watching horror, reading, or consuming it in the myriad ways we do is a fun escape, a diversion of sorts. But it also truthfully mirrors our own fears, real-life problems, and, sadly, our past and future as well.

Act Now

So what can we do about it? Vote, always. Not just every four years, but every local and state election matters. Complacency is easy, as is giving a shit. There has to be action. We can’t sit idly by and watch our futures and even our current lives become fodder or ghost stories for our future generations – another Zombie Nazi flick only 80 years later. Giving a shit doesn’t make change. It doesn’t move us forward and away from the embarrassing state of our country. Give a shit, yes! But also get up and connect and vote, write your letters, yell, and show up. Do one thing or all the things, but act now. We don’t have much time. 4 years can feel like an eternity, but before you know it, we’ll have blinked, and this nightmare will be…

Ways to make a difference:


She Should Run
