Happy 31 days of Halloween!
This year, we’re celebrating with a different movie pick each day that made me audibly gasp, “WHAT THE FUCK?!“
On the 12th day of Halloween, I get to discuss this WTF movie moment from Aterrados (Terrified 2017). Actually, it’s the whole movie, all of it. Totally biased pick here because it’s one of my favorite films. I scream cried several times. I’m telling you right now, watch it in the dark. Trust me.
Aterrados is written and directed by Demián Rugna and set in Buenos Aires, a neighborhood is plagued by bizarre supernatural events. Murder, suspicious deaths, and a missing person lead to a group of paranormal investigators helping a local law official to solve this mystery.
A hide-and-seek humanoid figure popping in and out of your field of vision made me want to never look under my bed. I shouted, “What the fuck was that?!” many times. One of the scariest moments involved the body of a dead child that I did not want to look directly at. How did he get there? Is he going to move? I didn’t want to know anything ever and covered my eyes.
All the supernatural, alternate-dimension spookies were happening, and I hated them all. I didn’t need explanations or backgrounds, and I did not need these thoroughly frightening images flashing before my eyes before bed. And when I thought I was safe, they threw another one in, running at a car as it drove away.
More of the same, please. Demián Rugna’s newest short is included in Satanic Hispanics and gave me the same level of fright and all the chills I could handle.