
Unidentified Objects // A movie review

I recently took an impromptu road trip to Colorado with my partner. I love road trips. I can never succinctly or eloquently say why other than to say I love the freedom of being able to just drive and escape whatever it is that’s mentally troubling me. Travel is a great band-aid to my hurt soul and my mental health. It doesn’t cure, and I can’t ever completely escape it, but it’s a wonderful break.

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satanic hispanics movie review

Satanic Hispanics // Panic at the Satanic Disco

Satanic Hispanics! Okay, so I had trouble saying this out loud ten times fast. I heard that if you said it ten times in front of a broken mirror, then “The Traveler” would appear. Or maybe that’s just my sister messing with me. Either way, this movie is bonkers and I cannot wait for you all to watch it. Just in time for Hispanic Heritage Month, Satanic Hispanics is premiering at Fantastic Fest and I just want to say, “Me siento muy… excited!”

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movie prey predator series prequel

Hulu’s “Prey” // Triggering fragile man-babies one viewing at a time

What can I say about the newest installment in the Predator series, Prey? I loved it and am watching it again and again and having myself a little intergalactic movie marathon. Directed by Dan Trachtenberg and written by Trachtenberg and Patrick Aison, the film follows a young woman of the Comanche Nation 300 years ago.

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