Author name: Alma De Leon Clarke

I love horror. I consume genre films, tv, and books. THE THING is the greatest movie of all time and I wish Chucky was my bestie. I have 6 cats and 2 dogs and I'm a horror movie toy collector. I am not a professional critic but I do enjoy discussing horror with anyone who will listen.

WTF?! // 31 Days of Halloween — Day 22 (Gerald’s Game)

It’s the 22nd, and today’s WTF movie moments pick is Gerald’s Game. If you want to see an adaptation of any book let alone Stephen King, you need to go in fresh and do your best not to compare and go in hating on it. Because I promise you sometimes you are treated to a wonderful gift like I was with Gerald’s Game.

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WTF?! // 31 Days of Halloween — Day 21 (The Visit)

Happy 31 days of Halloween! 

This year, we’re celebrating with a different movie pick each day that made us audibly gasp, “WHAT THE FUCK?!”

It’s the 21st already?! I present to you M. Night Shyamalan’s The Visit. Yes, you read that correctly. Perhaps this film does not come to mind so quickly when thinking of horror that made you want to cover your eyes or scream, “Oh dear god, no!”

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